The generation gap 2.0

This week I'm free-lancing and helping out my mom.
And I haven't stopped thinking about the generation gap.

I've noticed one huge difference in how our minds work differently: Motivation.

I'll briefly explain the carrot and stick theory in the context I'm referring to: 
If a man is driving a cart pulled by a mule, he might hit it with a stick to get it to move or offer a carrot for it to advance. So, basically using punishment and reward to encourage a behavior. You could use both, maybe one or the other. The end game is the result.

Then, I've noticed, at least for my mom and me, have completely different reactions to the carrot and the stick theory.

My mom and her generation are pretty used to the stick, all the time. They have learned to survive emotionally to the constant ache of the stick. They have an easier time accepting and obeying orders. They adapt easily, are natural problem solvers and productive. They know hard work and don't complain. They just do their shit. They do their best and then some. However, doing things they have to do has become such a routine that it's hard for them to know what they actually want to do or not. They grind.
For them, getting the stick is normal. Not getting it is a reward in itself and getting the carrot is extraordinary.

My generation is more accustomed to the carrot. We are motivated and passionate about enjoyable easy things (which may translate to being lazy for gen exers). We simply won't do what we don't want to. Yes, we are used to technology, so we don't mistrust when things come easily. They're supposed to come easy. We believe in enjoying work and life.
We must have the carrot or we think we did something wrong to not deserve it. And if we get the stick, we will be offended and retaliate.

Let's assume we're peers in a situation:

My mom gets the stick. She acknowledges her mistake, takes the useful part and dumps the useless part of the authority's rant and moves on. She fixes her mistake and it's done. I will probably try to make her feel better about herself, and try to "cure" the injury. I will probably encourage her to complain or to stop the situation.

I get the stick. I cry and complain. Probably resent the authority and won't want to work for them anymore, if I'm feeling petty I will be late or not do something. Immediately I will stop working as a team. My mom would say I'm weak and that I don't know how to be part of the workforce.

My mom keeps doing her thing. It's all ok. She keeps working the same way she has been working all along.

I lose my shit. I will probably overwork and then get resented if I don't get a carrot. My mom feels I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.

She smiles, she says thank you. Enough. I'm happy for her.

I'm good. I work the same or better, I'll be a part of the team, maybe a leader within the team. I will do my best to increase productivity, I will work extra hours and then some. I will make you even prouder. I will work harder. My mom smiles.

We have completely different views on our work.
We have completely different views on our work is perceived.

So we both have to give a little here and there to set a bridge. We won't make it fighting against each other.


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