The journey: How to tell that you're NOT enjoying the ride?





Easy clues that you hate your life:
1. You have a toxic relationship (or more than one).
2. You hate your work.
3. You're bored.
4. You complain all the time.

(Linked article that I liked while researching content:

Yeah, yeah, we know.
And there are a bunch of articles and stuff about that so I won't get into it. I don't want to talk about hating your life. It's shit, it's hard, but it's not so hard to notice.

I want to talk about NOT loving it.

Watching "The good place", the point is how torture works. They shaped horrible things to particularly turn heaven into hell for one person but managing to make it seem like heaven and I thought "Do I have things like that? Do I live life thinking this is a good life while I'm actually suffering?"
Is there something in my life that I don't hate, but I don't really like, or I don't really want to do, and still, somehow, I do it? Why? Peer pressure, expectation, fear.

So, when I started noticing those things: "WOOOOW, crazy shit." It's actually a common thing that I do every single day.
We are so damn afraid of appearing ungrateful that we just accept shit. Constantly. We don't like people thinking we aren't happy. We like to pretend we enjoy our lives, so we fake it. We just go "meh, yeah, it's not that bad." and we settle. And if you do it long enough you'll lose track of what you want and what you don't want.

For me, I lost track. I started doing things I thought I would like only to find out I don't. Following stereotypical likes and dislikes.
I would halfway through reading "the perfume" only to notice, I'm not really paying attention, I'm not even enjoying this book, but somehow I feel like I have to finish it. Why? And I justify a reason to read a book I have no interest in reading.
The same goes for relationships. I have fewer friends than I thought. And it's not because we got into a fight or, we don't have things in common or don't share love or whatever. It's because I don't want to be friends with them because I don't share their values. It's not something I love, therefore, bitch bye.
Coffee... Sometimes I love coffee. Sometimes it's horrible. And I still drink it. I still power through it. It's not that bad.

Why do we choose to live this way? We choose to think that it's not that bad. But aren't we the result of millions of years of evolution? Aren't we a miracle? Aren't we being ungrateful to life itself by not making the most out of it?

Think back. How many times have you said:"meh, ok"? How many times have you done the opposite of what you truly believed because someone or something pressured you into it? How many times have you gone against your gut because something triggers a different answer? These triggers are peer pressure, guilt, shame, fear, etc.
What would you do differently if you were released from these bags?


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