
Have you given a hard and honest look at those things that surround you? Do you like them? Or more importantly, did you choose them? 

It's never too late to analyze where we are standing in order to redefine our course. Amazingly I found a wonderful life coach that actually shares content that goes deeper than "trust your inner you" and "listen to the universe".

Here´s the third dive into Kathy Caprino's 9 crucial life lessons to learn before midlife.


Maybe we have polluted our minds into thinking that creativity gets in the way of productivity. I have struggled with this so much because I have always been so creative: singing, dancing, painting, writing, reading, just playing, cooking, baking, doing things that encourage problem-solving, etc. and I have constantly told myself to keep it for another moment; postponing maybe with a lie, "I want to take a course on the matter" (which I never do), or "I want to buy a new notebook for that..", whatever that prevents me from actually doing what I want to do.

Sometimes I force myself into it (mistake) like new years resolutions: I'm going to have a schedule for painting, writing, reading, then dancing and singing for a little while, completely neglecting the point: freedom!
Truth is, creativity comes and flows and the more you invite it, the more it likes to come back. Creativity is the most wonderful friend but you have to be prepared to let her go wild and free. She'll be fine and she'll take care of you.
However, this world, this global anxiety, these issues, the necessity of doing something tangible all the time, it's exhausting and I quit.
I will allow myself to do whatever the fuck I want because I want to be happy and free. Fuck it. My creativity will do whatever it wants and I'm simply going to enjoy the ride.
Although I know sometimes creativity doesn't flow, and frustration rises and anxiety and depression don't help... I think it's a matter of letting go.

What creative urge will you bring into your life today?
I have implemented writing publicly and privately for a week now, and I'm so excited.
I want to do more creative things, more whole-hearted things. I am done half-assing through life.

From "9 crucial life lessons to learn before midlife." by Kathy Caprino.


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