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"There's a soldier trapped in a hole and he can't get out. He yells for help.
A lieutenant passes by and says: "Suck it up, son. Dig deep." and throws him a shovel. The soldier does as he's told and digs that hole deeper. Obeying but not understanding. Frustrated he yells for help again.
An officer comes and says: "Hell, son, use the tools you were given." and throws him a bucket. The soldier does as he's told and fills the bucket. He was just making the hole deeper. Desperate, he yells again.
A doctor comes by: "Oh, I've seen this before, this will help you" and throws him some pills. The pills help, they make the hole go away. He feels better. But he's still trapped in the hole. The pills run out. He couldn't shout anymore. No hope.
Finally, another soldier sees him in the hole and jumps in.
They stared at each other, the new soldier was covered in mud, both of them were. "What are you doing? Now there's two of us in the hole! Can't you see there's no way out?" The other soldier, calm, smiles and says "Hey, calm down, buddy, I've been here before. I know how to get out."
- Adaptation from an episode of The Punisher on Netflix.

In AA the 12th step is helping others. Couldn't be explained better by this story. Perhaps that's the reason I started this blog.
I haven't even started talking about mental illness because I don't know how to approach it yet, I'll get there.
I'm no expert, but I have suffered chronic depression for 11 years now (I'm 23) and I'm not sure when my anxiety started. I was diagnosed officially when I turned 18 although I have been in therapy since I was 15. I have gone through two psychiatrists and 4 long-term psychologists. Rehab twice, medication, alternative healing, you name it.
Everyone is different, every hole has a different depth and intricacy but people, you're not alone. I hope reading and relating to this blog helps you find some kind of peace as it did me to follow other mentally ill people.


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