Approaching acceptance

Have you given a hard and honest look at those things that surround you? Do you like them? Or more importantly, did you choose them? 

It's never too late to analyze where we are standing in order to redefine our course. Amazingly I found a wonderful life coach that actually shares content that goes deeper than "trust your inner you" and "listen to the universe".

Here´s the sixth dive into Kathy Caprino's 9 crucial life lessons to learn before midlife.

Kathy Caprino wrote:
But I want to change it.


We have all seen the stereotype of the frustrated housewife that is a closet smoker and a lowkey alcoholic. Or the married closeted gay man that avoids being home at all costs. The student that hates the career his parents chose for him. They all have something in common: for one, they're unhappy. But, they're all in constant denial of who they are and what they want. They keep fighting against themselves and it's pretty much like playing tennis against a wall...
You know what it is, you can feel the loathing and the hatred coming out of your pores.
I've definitely been that person.

When I chose my career I was so broken I would have to use a whole book to explain how diminished I was in my own eyes. So, I didn't want to even try. I chose my career because I was afraid of being a writer. I knew it's difficult to find a job that pays enough to survive. I was afraid of being economically independent. I chose it because it seemed like the obvious choice, superficially. I convinced myself that my lifelong dream of being a mother would be enough fulfillment to cover up the frustration of being just a trophy wife. I didn't choose. Life chose. Every day of my career has been a constant dragging of feet, one after the other, to get there, pay attention, listen. Do the time, get out. It has drained my soul. Over the years you become bitter, isolated and just an empty vessel. You keep taking away energy from your heart, mind, and spirit and pouring it into pointless endeavors. Not because they're pointless per se, but because they are not what you want.
This is dangerous for a mentally ill person. I'm telling you, this road will take you to a point where you consider death as a hopeful rest, and you start to think about suicide on a daily basis.

What are you breaking yourself against today?

Could be dieting, could be new fitness regimes, could be your romantic relationship, your work, your friends, or any other aspect of your life.
I'm not saying any of these are wrong, but maybe they are not for you. Maybe it's not the best time for you.
Who are you today, will define who you are not. Don't try to be who you aren't. Ever.

Analyzed bit from 9 crucial life lessons to learn before midlife by Kathy Caprino.

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